Monthly Data Days!
We are expanding our Data Days to once a month to give you a better opportunity to take your fitness to another level! These additional data points will allow us to help better serve you and your goals!
Book your calendars for the following dates:
January 6th
February 3rd
March 3rd
April 7th
May 5th
June 2nd
July 7th
August 4th
Sept 1st
October 6th
November 3rd
December 1st
*Any Inbody scan done outside of these dates will be a $25 charge (not counting any to be done for nutrition challenges)
50 for 90 Challenge!
Our 2025 motto is ‘Consistenency is King’! We promise you that if you are CONSISTENT in showing up to the gym 3 to 4 times a week and CONSISTENT with your nutrition you will see amazing results this year. This new challenge for current members will start on January 1st and any new members that join through the year will start on their join date.
The challenge is pretty simple, 50 check-ins in 90 days. If you make 50 classes in the 90 days, there is a sweet prize waiting for you! (probably a special sticker and more)
*please note, these must be actual check-ins *On the go workouts do not count for this challenge*
Committed Club
Our 2024 Committed Club was a huge success and we are making a few changes to make 2025 even better!
First, monthly stickers are here to stay! Second, we will be selecting two winners, one male and one female. These winners will get exclusive access to a golden barbell that only they are allowed to use for the month. Both will also receive a $50 credit to our online store:
Quarterly Winners:
To be eligible, you must make committed club for all three months of a quarter:
Jan – March
April – June
July – Sept
Oct – Dec
One winner will be selected for the quarter and they will get to choose something to design! They can design the next month’s committed club sticker, a t-shirt design for an upcoming apparel launch or work with a coach and design a special workout.
Yearly Winner:
225 checkins is the new number! Each member who obtains 225 checkins throughout the year, will get their name on a plaque to be hung in the gym and one person will be selected to win 3 months free membership.
Our coaching staff has expanded over the year and they are eager to help you all out. Keep your eyes and ears open for some special workshops to help you progress on your fitness journey!